10 Things Every Christian Should Do At The Workplace


Christians all over the world pass through many challenging times in their workplaces. And this largely bothers on what Christians should do or should not do at the workplace. Can you list some 10 things every Christian should at the workplace? Sometimes, Christians face serious hostilities upon disclosure of their identity as Christians. Despite the challenges you go through at work, it behooves every Christian to ensure proper sanity at work and observe some rules. It is important for every Christian to take note of these things. Failure to adhere to the underlisted points can cause discomfort and many worries at work.

10 things every Christian should do at the workplace.

  1. Do not always use working hours to read Bible and Pray

You are employed to work within a stipulated time period. It is not advisable for a Christian to be using working hours to be reading Bible and praying instead of working. One may only do this when there is no work at all but it will be advisable to do this earlier before work commences. Another good time to do these is during lunch breaks and closing time. Do not use spirituality to cover your laziness. Spirituality being exhibited at the wrong time would affect productivity and expected results.

  1. Do not Break Company Rules

It is better to quit your job and look for a better one if you are a Christian and you realize that some of the rules, regulations and bylaws in your workplace do not conform to your Christian beliefs and practices. Breaking rules contrary to your faith will only tarnish your image, destroy your records and may be a negative point of reference for you in the near future when you stand for a higher position.

  1. Be An Example

As a Christian, you are supposed to be a good example in everything you do at the workplace. In 1 Timothy 4:12, the Bible entreats all Christians to be an example to people in word, actions and in any way possible. Know that you have failed as a Christian if your coworkers cannot even identify you as a Christian. Your Christianity should not be reserved for only church services. It is a wholistic approach live a conscious life as a true believer and a follower of Christ. Do not hide your faith from coworkers; you could be the channel of their salvation.

  1. Do not Discriminate

The fact that one does not share the same or similar beliefs and practices with you does not mean you should discriminate. A good Christian should not be interested in forming cliques. This is not to say you should equally yoke together with unbelievers and corrupt your manners. How will you win them for Christ if they see your discriminatory actions against them? Know how to balance your life at the workplace. A false balance is an abomination to the LORD. Be friends with unbelievers and influence them with your values. Getting close to unbelievers serves the purpose of at least winning some for Christ.

  1. Do not force your religion on others

The world is full of people with different religious backgrounds. Trying to force your religion on people will cause hatred, rejection from peers and eventually destroy relationships and friendships. It will be better to accept them, love and teach them until they understand you and your religion. Remember, you are not a ‘religious terrorist’ to force your religion on people.

  1. Set High Moral Standards

As a Christian, you must live and make impact everywhere you find yourself. Christianity is not a religion but a practical life experience to live like Christ and eschew all manner of immoral and corrupt activities. Let your life be the standard and benchmark for others to emulate. If you do not have standards in life, then note that anything may seem good to you. Live your life with sound Biblical values. Let your life reflect the principles and values of the kingdom of God. Your coworkers may not know God but may see Him through you. Why? Because you are an ambassador and that is you must uphold high values and standards.

  1. Live at peace with everyone

In Rom. 12:18, the Bible admonishes us to live at peace with everyone, if possible. Jesus Christ did not come to divide us but to unite us. Before Jesus departed, He prayed and wished that the disciples and the church of God will be one and live at peace with each other (John 17:21). Christians must seek the peace of all. The Apostle Paul said, if possible, live in peace with everyone. The call to be a peacemaker is a universal call for all Christians. As a Christian, you are an advocate of peace, agent of peace and the introducer to the Prince of Peace. You are employed to work but there are other things to do. You must carry and work to increase the brand of your company and that of Christ. Do not be the cause of any misunderstanding but the challenge to address all misunderstandings.

  1. Do not compromise your Christian Virtues

Most often, some Christians hide their identity when they are in office uniforms and conform to the corrupt practices in the world and in the workplace. In Rom. 12:2, the Bible admonishes us not to conform to the world. Live above the standards of the world. Your standard for live and point of reference for every action is the Bible. Be the light to dispel darkness in your office. Do not let your deeds increase the thickness of darkness in the office.

  1. Be truthful and transparent

A Christian that is full of lies, crooked ways and not transparent in transactions is a bad example to the world. He who practices this is no different from the unbeliever who is ready to cheat the system for his parochial interest. Being truth is a core value for all Christians. It is a sign the Father of All Truths lives in you. Remember that telling lies of the devil.

  1. Avoid Conflict of Interest and Illegal Activities

As a Christian, you must know that you were employed to render a particular service payable at the end of every month or upon execution of contract. Know that it is sinful to be engaged in illegal activities and any other activity which conflicts the interest of the company.

Thanks for reading this article from www.christoinfo.com. Please feel free to share with all friends and loved ones. Kindly tell us your views on other things Christians should do at their workplaces.



  1. Great article. I pray all workers including myself will abide by the tenets of work ethics and do due-diligence to whatever assignment there is to do.


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