16 Consequences Of Living Your Life Anyhow

Picture Credit: blog.spendefy

Many a time, I hear people exclaiming, “Leave me alone! It’s my own life. You cannot dictate to me on how I should live my life”. That statement is very true. I’m pretty sure that you may have also made such statements before. Inasmuch as your life should not be controlled by the people around you but according to plan, purpose and your vision on earth, you must know that there are, however, consequences for living your life anyhow.

Most of the time, people are not aware of the consequences of some habits and they are however taken by surprise for living their lives anyhow. Whether you are fully aware of the consequences of your actions and inactions or not, or you are simply ignorant of the consequences, you will surely suffer the consequences in future if you do not pay attention to some things now.

In this article, I bring you the 16 consequences of living your life anyhow. When done reading, kindly tell us your views and experiences by commenting in the comment box.

16 Consequences Of Living Your Life Anyhow

  1. Your dreams and visions will not be realized
  1. You will always be working for other people and even perhaps, after retirement.
  1. You will always be blaming people for being the cause of your unprogressive life.
  1. You will be finding excuses in life that nobody was willing to assist you in life.
  1. You may be tempted to believe that witches and demons are destroying your destiny.
  1. False prophets and pastors can easily deceive and defraud you since you may be desperate for solutions.

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  1. People may not respect you in society.
  2. Rising into places of leadership positions and promotions may be difficult since you may not have good track records of high moral values and standards in life.
  1. Many people may not be proud to associate with you.
  1. You are likely to suffer a divorce or a bad marital relationship.
  1. Your family and friends are likely to reject you.
  1. You stand the risk of having health problems if you live a careless life without considering the consequences of some habits in your own life.
  1. You become a bad example for people.
  1. Your old age will be very boring. If you live your life anyhow where your own partner may divorce or reject, where your children, family, and friends do no longer regard you, you will find out that life is very boring and you will feel very lonely during your old age. I guess you do not want to die feeling lonely.
  1. Judgment awaits you for whatever you say or do (Matthew 12:36-37)
  1. Finally, you may likely end up in hellfire when you die.

Remember that you do not own your life. Do not just live the way it pleases you. God has given us our will and we have the right to make any choice for our lives but remember that there is a day of accountability.

The Bible said in Hebrews 9:27 that it is appointed unto man to die once and after that, face judgment. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Cor. 5:10).

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