16 ways artificial intelligence (AI) can help your Christian Life

16 ways artificial intelligence can help your Christian life

In recent times, the introduction of technological advancements and mobile applications have sparked controversies in the body of Christ. While many Christians will prefer to sit on the fence and watch things happen, others will grab the opportunity and swim in the tide of new developments. Having carefully used artificial intelligence (AI) for a few months now, I feel obliged to write down 16 ways artificial intelligence (AI) can help your Christian Life. In this article, I want to use this opportunity to share with you the 16 ways artificial intelligence (AI) can help your Christian life.

This article focuses solely on ways artificial intelligence (AI) can help your Christian life. You can also read on 10 ways artificial intelligence (AI) can destroy your life and spirituality.

15 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Help Your Christian Life

1. Get knowledge first: If you do not know what artificial intelligence is and how it can be of great help for your Christian life, you will not embrace it in the first place. The first thing to do is to know what artificial intelligence is, how does it work, what are its limitations and how can you as an individual and a Christian use it to help or enhance your Christian life. Sometimes, many Christians suffer and are not productive enough for lack of knowledge about what is happening now around them. If you do not know what is good for you, you may not know how to make good use of it.

2. Big time saver during emergencies: Using artificial intelligence (AI) is like having an online personal assistant or digital assistant. In times of emergency, where you are hard pressed for time to read volumes of scriptures and do more research online to gather your materials for your sermons and presentation, one of the things you can fall on is artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) is very fast, a big-time saver and produces large volumes of useful information within seconds. However, as a Christian, you cannot always depend on artificial intelligence for quick results. You need to personal cultivate the habit of waiting on the LORD to receive a message from Him to deliver.


3. Good research work: We are now in a generation where knowledge abounds and having access to information online is becoming easier. A few years ago, having access to internet service was difficult. In the past 10 years, the introduction of smart phones and other electronic gadgets made it easier for one to have access to internet on any device and do a good research work. Using artificial intelligence (AI) will save a great deal of time and get you the right information and even including references. However, a careful study of the choice of words will expose you for one to know that your information was written by artificial intelligence. You need to do more work beyond artificial intelligence (AI).

4. Virtual Teacher: Ask artificial intelligence any question on how to do something and you will be amazed about the response you will have. Artificial intelligence (AI) can give you the step-by-step approach to do something for the first time. I call it the Virtual Teacher that knows so many things and can help you do something new systematically. It is not artificial intelligence knows a lot than; yes, that is true because it has access to tons of information. This is the reason why AI can be a very good virtual teacher to anyone.

5. Great tool for Bible Studies: When you have artificial intelligence (AI) as an alternative learning tool, you must not struggle to understand the Bible. For instance, you can ask AI any question on subjects or areas you do not really understand. Artificial intelligence will give you enough information to understand any subject for Bible Studies. Artificial intelligence has not come to destroy Christianity but to enhance it. Let your AI app be your tool for learning.

6. Self-styled devotional messages: One of the advantages of using artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability to create personalized devotional messages for the topic you instruct it. Sometimes, you may be going through a particular problem and you may need a particular devotional message or inspirational message to encourage you to pray. Artificial intelligence (AI) is good at creating any Christian content for you. However, you must decide and make conscious efforts to learn and start creating your own contents.  

7. Introduce artificial intelligence in your business: Recently, business owners attest to experiencing a financial boom in their businesses and escalating profit margins by introducing artificial intelligence (AI). As a Christian, you must not shy away from the introduction of apps and new technologies that enhance ways of life, ministry and your career. After reading through the 16 ways artificial intelligence (AI) can help your Christian life, you will have a different mindset towards the use of AI.

8. Virtual counselling: One of the things artificial intelligence (AI) can easily do for you is virtual counselling. It can predict ways or outcomes of a particular behaviour and give you counselling. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a great stock of ideas and information on any field and can give you accurate information and counselling. However, artificial intelligence cannot have empathy and sympathy with you. Human counselors have feelings and may have gone through similar situations before. Everyone needs a listening ear, ask further questions to understand your situation and tell you what to do. Depending on machines or artificial intelligence to give you counselling misses the great deal of having someone to fall on and a specialist that can hold hands with you to pray with you. Sometimes, counselors go to the extent of visiting your homes, meeting other partners concerned and addressing the issue. Artificial intelligence on the other hand is limited for these kind of counselling services.

9. Breaking language barriers for effective understand: The Bible was written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Sometimes, the translations or versions of the Bible we use may not bring out the clearer meaning of the text. By asking artificial intelligence of the original meaning of some words used in the scriptures, the correct meaning and its life application. These apps can give you the historical and cultural backgrounds of events and the contemporary use to enhance your understanding.

10. Learning a language: As a good Christian, you can decide to learn how to read and speak Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic or even French. Artificial intelligence can translate anything from one language to another. It is one of the free learning tools breaking grounds in our generation. However, be careful of some free versions of artificial intelligence. Some of these free versions are scams. Be careful not to enter your personal details including your passwords and visa card numbers to avoid being duped. A number of people have been duped through fake apps.

11. Personal Event Planner: One of the things that artificial intelligence can do for you is become your personal event planner. Once it outlines the various activities that go into your event, you can ask it to suggest for instance, the best wedding event center in a particular city and their contact numbers. While it is very difficult to sometimes think and create something unique, artificial intelligence can assist you to generate some ideas. All you have to do is to go through and select the best that can work for you or even modify them to suit your event. Remember that artificial intelligence is not a human being so sometimes, some of the suggestions and contents created may not be right and suitable.  

12. Creative writing guide: Many people have ideas but do not know how to translate their ideas into a reality. Sometimes, all you may need is how it is done and you are good to go to write your own unique story and other write-ups. Artificial intelligence is good at writing just anything for you. It can the outline of a book, story book, tribute, poem, songs and other creative works. Artificial intelligence can offer you an excellent guide and even suggest areas that you may not have any idea at all. This broadens your horizon on the subject you want to write to ensure that your write-up covers all necessary areas. With AI, you must not run out of ideas. AI is good at polishing your ideas; making it better and well fine-tuned.

13. Tool for learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used as one of the biggest tools for learning. It teaches the hows, the whys and what’s to anything at all you want to read about. Artificial intelligence has a rich stock of knowledge gathered from a pool of millions of online articles and publications. As a Christian, each day presents itself as an opportunity to learn something to improve your life. In life, it is either you are not learning to enhance your earning or going the hard way which may impede your progress in life. There are many free AI learning tools available online. Though the premium versions are not free, the free versions can do a lot for you.

14. Beautiful world of discoveries: Artificial intelligence (AI) is like a mini search engine on its own. It gets its information from all websites and online publications. For instance, you can ask artificial intelligence to give you the “Top 30 useful Christian websites” every Christian leader needs to know. Though this information can be easily got through your normal search engine, artificial intelligence saves you the time to scroll through the many search engine result pages. You do not have to scroll through looking for which one to click on it and read. Artificial intelligence does the difficult work to present you with the best results.

15. Analysis of complex data: One of the beautiful things about AI is its ability to analyze complex data and interpret its results. With just a click, your complex data will be analyzed by artificial intelligence, draw diagrams for illustrations per the command you give it and predict possible outcomes and solutions. There is nothing that is as fast at analyzing data as artificial intelligence. A few months ago, I pasted a short story and asked my AI to draw 10 lessons out of it. Truth is, I was amazed at the result derived from analysis and lessons drawn. Out of the 10 lessons produced by AI, I was amazed to notice 2 of the important lessons that escaped me and never crossed my mind. Artificial intelligence is programmed to do critical thinking and holistic analysis of complex data and situations for a better result. The only disadvantage here is that, sometimes, artificial intelligence may get it all wrong because the inputs of the instructions given may not be understood. Where jargon and technical words which mean different things are used, artificial intelligence is likely to get the result wrong.

16. Enhances religious education: Attending Bible school could be a great deal for everyone. It is not everyone that has the opportunity to attend a good Bible school, have access to good Christian books, articles and other publications but AI can assist you to have access to some useful materials. These materials enhance self-exposure, religious education and the acquisition of basic skills from self-help materials. Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just an app but a great learning tool that can assist you to learn a variety of items on the internet. The only disadvantage here is that artificial intelligence (AI) cannot work without internet access. This implies that communities that are still without electricity are normally cut off and cannot use the application for basic things. One interesting thing about AI is that it can teach you step by step. Use of AI is like have a professional personal assistant with worldwide knowledge in all things. AI can teach many things that no single human being can do. You are the light of the world. Let AI assist you to sharpen your knowledge for your light to shine the more.

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Related Post: 10 ways artificial intelligence can destroy your Christian life and spirituality.   



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