20 Ways Christians Block or Miss Their Blessings – Part 2


This is the conclusion of the article: 20 Ways Christians Block or Miss Their Blessings. When done reading, kindly tell us your experience and share with friends and loved ones to also benefit. I will humbly suggest that you make time to read the Part 1 if you haven’t yet. To Read, Click here to read this wonderful article

11. Arrant pride and disrespect for people, Men of God and authority

In 1 Peter 5:5, God Himself opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Know that you will surely miss your blessing if you are praying for something just to boast with it.

12. Dwelling in Sin

Almost all the blessings in the Bible are premised on obedience. Continuously living in sin is a serious blockage to experiencing your breakthroughs in life. Sin is the only thing that separates you from God. The Bible says the prayers and sacrifice of a sinner are an abomination to God (Prov. 15:8). Sin brings guilt, condemnation and punishment.


13. Lack of Faith and Trust

It is important to know that without faith, it is impossible to please the Lord (Heb. 11:6). God is a spirit and cannot be seen. It takes only faith and trust in Him for a fruitful journey. From the book of Matthew to John, most of the miracles Jesus Christ performed were engineered by people’s own faith. Jesus Christ said: “Woman, your faith has made you whole”, (Mark 5:34). Until you put your faith at work, your miracles and blessings will not be activated.

14. Fear

Many people should have their breakthroughs and become very wealthy by now but they decided to listen to their own fear which says that “that idea cannot be done. You can fail and lose all your investment”. Fear caused the Israelite soldiers to be hopeless and could not challenge Goliath until David appeared on the scene to push his fear aside and fight.

15. Guilt

Guilt weakens your emotions, sucks your strength and robs you of your happy life. A life lived in guilt is not a pleasant life. If you are burdened with the feeling of guilt and unforgiveness, then know that your spirit is enslaved. Guilt weakens your confidence to go before God and request for anything and If that is the case then you are missing your own blessings for living in guilt. The best thing to do is to go before God and confess all sins. Forgive yourself and others who have also sinned against you.

16. Doubt

Doubt is a killer of our faith and confidence. It tells you that you are not going to make it. It tells you that you can easily fail and lose everything. It is like just a little sharp pin that pierces your lorry tyre and loosens your car tyres to a halt in life. Doubt makes you unstable and waves you just like the way the storms toss about the canoe on the sea. It is written in James 1:6-7 that the man who doubts should not expect anything good from the Lord.

17. Negativity and evil mentality

If you always think of poverty then you will surely be poor. If you always think of abundance, act likewise and do things that will attract abundance, then you will surely have it. Prov. 23:5 says “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. Think of crap, bitterness and the worst things in life and they will fill your life with unhappiness and the feeling of worthlessness. How about the solution? In Romans 12, the Bible teaches us to renew our minds.

18. Mediocrity

There is no way you can fully experience your blessings if you walk in mediocrity, live an average life, have no clear-cut direction in  life, leave your life to chance but not according to purpose and vision. Divine favour and the grace of God really work better for the organized man. Come out of your mediocre life. You are worth more than what you think you are. Remember, in Prov. 23:5, the Bible said “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”.

If you think you are poor, weak, less privileged and not lucky enough, then you shall surely have what you confess. Remember, people who live an average life and always want to do things in a normal way can never rise above the normal standards they have set for themselves.

19. Being ungrateful and unthankful

An ungrateful person is an unthankful person. Many of us have taken God for granted and hardly express our appreciation for even the gift of life He gives us each day. It is rather unfortunate that a lot of people have taken the grace and favour of God for granted. Jesus Christ healed 10 lepers and only one came back to say ‘thank you’. How do you receive more if you are not grateful and thankful for the little that you have received already?

20. Ungodly and evil companionship and advice

In Psalm 1:1-3 the Bible teaches that blessed is the man who does not walk with the ungodly or stand in the counsel of the sinners. The way of sinners does not lead to a happy end. It therefore means that you do not have to equally yoke together with unbelievers to form the core of your friends.  It is more blessed to live with godly people than with ungodly people. Godliness brings happiness, godly advice and you stay away from worldly troubles.

Thanks for making time to read this article from www.christoinfo.com Please feel free to share with friends and loved ones and also tell us your experience about some ways Christians may be blocking or missing their blessings.

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  1. Now i know how to be very careful in other not to block my own blessings and sometimes think some evil spirits are the cause.


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