5 Ways To Achieve Better Results In The Year 2020


Most of the time, many people begin the new year with high hopes and anticipations based on their personal visions, revelations and projects they hope to achieve before the new year 2020 ends. Sometimes, some people have a lot of personal goals and visions they hope to achieve but unfortunately, they end the year with little results or not being able to achieve their visions for the year.

It is important to have not too many goals each year to enable you to remain focused in a particular direction. At least, have 3 important goals. This is very important in order to channel all your resources, time and efforts in those directions for maximum results and impart.

In this short article, I will be sharing with you the 5 ways to achieve better results in the year 2020. It doesn’t matter the visions you have and the prophetic declarations over your life in this year, how far you go depends on the following:

  1. Manage your time

Anything that wastes your time also wastes your life. Don’t waste your entire time and data just browsing and only chatting with people. Have a daily plan for your and make sure you stick it to avoid unnecessarily wasting time on unproductive activities that steal your time.

  1. Manage Your Resources:

If you do not know how to manage people, time, money and other resources made available to you, then know that you will struggle in life. For these things are part of the essential things we cannot do without in life so learn to manage them to achieve better results in the year 2020.

  1. Add value to your life

In the year 2020, make it a point to read a book, learn a trade, acquire a particular skill, learn vocational skill to enhance your entrepreneurial skills and any other thing that will enhance your employable skills and add value to your life. There are so many DIY Videos (Do it yourself videos) available on YouTube for your to learn from.

  1. Manage your relationship with both God

You have to acknowledge the fact that you can do many things in this world but life in this world and beyond is incomplete without God. In Proverbs 16:3, the Bible says that commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. Remember, Proverbs 21:31 says that “Horses are made ready for war but victory comes from the Lord”.

  1. Manage your relationship with man.

Whatever be your plans on earth, know that you do not live all alone in this world. You will definitely have to interact with people. It is incumbent on you to know how to manage the relationships that God bring your way. He who knows how to manage people will surely achieve his goals. On the contrary, if you do not have the people skills then know that you will struggle in life.

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