7 Things Offences Can Destroy In Your Relationship & Marriage


Having been a youth worker, a life coach and very active in ministry for some time now, I have seen the damaging consequences of offences in many lives, marriages and in corporate intuitions. Today, I want to briefly discuss the 7 things offences can destroy in your life, relationship and marriage with you. When done reading, kindly comment and share your experiences with us.  

7 Things Offences Can Destroy In Your Relationship & Marriage

1. Peace: Anytime you feel offended, your emotions are normally clouded with anger, pain and perhaps, bitterness and this can destroy your peace of mind. If you think you have offended someone, deal with it immediately before it lands you into some troubles.

2. Friendship: I have come across some close friends that have become the worst enemies now. Though many efforts were made to make peace and the offended person has forgiven the other party, they are no longer friends again. Be careful in your dealing with people. Offences can make you destroy some important relationships and block some opportunities for you.

3. Relationship and opportunity with others: When someone offends you, it is likely that you may block any opportunity of connecting that person to another person for better opportunities. Offences destroy relationship with other people as well as important opportunities.


4. Happiness: The mere sight of seeing the one who has offended you alone is enough to destroy your happiness if you have not forgiven that person. And anytime you remember that person that offends you too, you might be boiling on the inside of you with bitterness if that offence is not dealt with. Offences destroy happiness in life.

5. Unity and strength: In unity is strength. An offence is one of the major factors for which people become enemies, companies collapse and groups split. Once there is an offence, know that there is no strength in your relationship, marriage and friendship with other people. It was the desire and prayer of Christ for His disciples to be one hence, the prayer, “That they may be one”, John 17:21

6. Spiritual Protection: There is strength and protection in unity. Gen. 2:24 says “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh”. The moment that unity is broken through offences, your spiritual protection is also broken. Anytime offences seem to separate couples, a way has been created for the enemy to attack them.

7. Future Prospects: Many projects have been suspended because of offences. Many weddings and engages have been cancelled because of offences. Many contracts have remained on paper and never awarded because of grievous mistakes and offences. Offences can put everything on hold. Learn to deal with your offences tactful and prayerfully makes.

Did I miss anything? Kindly share your thoughts and experiences with us.



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