Have you ever asked yourself what would have happened if Jesus Christ were to be born in our days? Well, we tried to list a few things that may happen if Jesus Christ were to be born in our days. Kindly comment by adding a few things you think would have happened if He were to be born in our days.
17 Things that will happen if Jesus Were To Be Born Today
- He will still have a humble beginning
- He will use modern public address systems to reach out to more souls. Without any public address system, Peter stood to preach and over 3000 people were saved in a day.
- He will use the fastest means of transport to spread the gospel. Jesus and His disciples had to walk for days before reaching their destinations to preach to others.
- Many people will indeed believe that He is the one and true savior
- A lot of people will still doubt Him and wonder whether He is indeed the savior
- He will be on social media. We shall watch all the Jesus Healing Crusades live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. He will have the highest followers on any Social Media Platform.
- Judas may not betray Him with a kiss, he will send his picture and location through emails and whatsApp to the Roman soldiers.
- He will still be killed despite any law because the original plan of God was that He will die to save mankind.
- His Healings, Teachings and Miracles will top Google searches and trends
- He will win the most viral videos award
- We will take pictures and videos of Him for the next generation to watch and listen to the actual videos and audios of Jesus Christ.
- Sign writers and artists will not draw Jesus Christ the way they like but according to His own image for all to know how Jesus Christ really looks like.
- He will be among the most influential people in the world.
- He may not necessarily be killed on the cross in our days due to modernity and ways of killing people.
- The birth of Jesus Christ will be a viral news through the internet and all social media network.
- He will still face political oppositions and threats to kill Him earlier to abort His vision.
- His disciples may not be too highly learned people though education is very important in our days. It may be a mixed government.