Things That Happen When Men Pray


There is nothing that works better than prayer. When prayer is offered, a lot of things happen and prayerlessness causes nothing to happen.

When men pray, there’s a divine direction for the revelation that clears every confusion in life.

When men pray, His glory & presence manifest in the lives of men.

When men pray, grace & favour are released to mount the insurmountable.

When men pray, satanic incubations, projections and orchestrations are destroyed.


When men pray, unctions and anointing are released for greater works & exploits.

When men pray, impossibilities become possibilities. There is nothing that is too hard for God. Once you cry to the God that makes impossible things to become possible, there is nothing like a problem or impossibilities again.

When men pray, destinies and lives are changed & testimonies follow. Every manufacturer has original spare parts for the products manufactured. God is the Creator of the universe and the Maker of mankind. It is He alone that created man and fixes his destiny and God is the only that can change destinies and changes lives.

When men pray, negativities become positivities & weaknesses turn into strength

When men pray, there’s a divine revelation for elevation in life. Having knowledge and information about some things is good but having a revelation about it gives you upper hand over people and some situations.

When men pray, mysteries from the throne room of Heaven are revealed and secrets in life are uncovered.

When men pray, chains of spiritual and physical bondage are broken and people are set free from all forms of attacks.

When men pray, higher heights and greater dimensions are reached.

When men pray, it is an invitation to communicate with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is a divine invitation for communication.

Every evil storm and every difficult situation lose their powers to destroy the moment men lift up their voices to call unto God and pray. Prayer is a necessity in daily survival for the believer.

When men pray, things happen in their favour and that which is earmarked for destruction is delivered.

When men lift up their voices in prayer with a genuine and a repentant heart, God hears and answers us. In Isaiah 65:24, God said, “Even before you will ask, I will answer”. God listens to prayers; just that He works according to time.

When men pray, there is deliverance from all sorts of danger and restoration of loss glories and opportunities.

When men lift up a voice of prayer, every spirit of fear and hopelessness is gone. Prayer really changes hopeless situations in life.

When men stand to pray, demons, sicknesses, disgrace, misfortunes and any other difficult situation bow down at the mention of the name Jesus. It is only on the altar of prayer that demons, sicknesses, disgrace and every form of negative and difficult situations are silenced in life at the mention of one name, thus Jesus.

When men  lift up their hands in prayer, Heaven interferes in the affairs of men for lives to be transformed.

When men pray, sometimes, nothing seems to have happened but many things have happened spiritually that we cannot see with our eyes.

When there’s no excuse for prayer, you walk under open heavens and daily miracles. Prayer should be a daily activity just as you eat everyday without fail. Until prayer becomes a lifestyle and a sacred activity you decide to observe everyday whether you are happy or sad, rich or poor, free or in bondage and whether you are a child or an adult, you cannot experience and encounter the Lord in some higher dimensions in life.

There is no substitute for prayer. As a Christian, you have to learn to pray all kinds and types of prayer in season and out of season. It is only when prayer is offered that divinity responds to the demands of humanity with an offer.

The Christian with a good daily devotional life doesn’t always have to visit prayer camps before encountering the Lord. To such a Christian, everyday is a unique experience and an encounter with the Almighty.

Things happen when men pray. Oh yes, things happen when men pray.

Did I miss anything? Kindly share your views and experiences with about the power of prayer



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