Disorder Is Not A Disadvantage – Pastor Isaac Bediako


Disorder Is Not A Disadvantage is your devotional message from Pastor Isaac Bediako

But his reply has been, “My grace is enough for you: for where there is weakness, my power is shown the more completely”, 2 Corinthians 12:9.  Therefore, I have cheerfully made up my mind to be proud of my weaknesses, because they mean a deeper experience of the power of Christ.

Inattention, hyperactivity, impulsive behaviour — these are the symptoms of ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD). Children with this brain disorder find it hard to concentrate, leaving tasks undone (inattention); they can’t sit still and appear to be playful/restless to extreme degrees (hyperactivity); they are intrusive in social situations, can’t wait for their turn and interrupt conversations/activities (impulsivity). As expected, their school performance is often poor.

Born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of a retired Maryland State Trooper, Michael Phelps, was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in sixth grade. He grew up feeling embarrassed when the school nurse came into his classroom to make him use his drugs. His teacher said he’d be no good.

As a growing boy, HE MADE SMALL CHANGES THAT LED TO BIG BREAKS. He started PAYING attention to his MIND. All of that nervous energy was channeled into sports. He beat the disorder and then beat every known good swimmer! Early on, his coach noticed a trait of greatness in him — his undying passion for being the best as an athlete. When others focused on him, he focused on winning.


Michael Fred Phelps defied all limits to become the most decorated Olympian of all time having a total of 28 medals. He never accepted limitation. At age 10, he held a national record for his age group – in the 100-meter butterfly. Described as a man with a “rigid focus, Phelps went against all odds to bag 18 Olympic gold medals, 26 World Championships (Long Course) gold medals, 1 World Championships (Short Course) gold medal and 16 Pan Pacific Championships gold medals.

He set the record for most medals of any Olympic athlete in history. Michael Phelps became World Swimmer of the Year seven times, FINA Swimmer of the Year in 2012 and American Swimmer of the Year nine times. He has authored two books, one of which is, “No Limits: The Will to Succeed.” *He said: “Your mind is the strongest medicine you can have…You can overcome anything if you think you can and you want to.”

What you call a limitation is your greatest opportunity. Everything you need in life to succeed is around you. God has given you eyes that see – not just look. The secret to your success is your ability to see. See the advantage in your circumstance. There is no limit for you.

What limits people is a spring board to your next level.

I pray for you, that the Lord will perfect His strength in your weaknesses.
Good morning and have a beautiful day.

Writer: Pastor Isaac Bediako

(Pastor/Counselor/Writer/Life Coach)

ICGC, Life Temple, Swedru

Email: pamoabeng@yahoo.com



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