Don’t Stop Walking, But Keep Moving Into Success – Ferdinard Senyo Lawson


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein

Life is meant to live forward not backward. Sometimes, life’s challenges pose as limitation to us, causing majority to stop living their dreams and purposes. Challenges are everywhere but they are not supposed to limit or stop us from walking into our destinies.

It is very sad that, these days a lot of people have stopped chasing their dreams, goals, visions and aspiration just because of fear of failure. Some have stopped walking confidently in what they have believed to be their only hope into success.

In view of these, they have become their own limitations, hindrances and casualties of the challenges of life. What is limiting your progress in life? Is it your family, your friends, your work, your past failures, your own self-doubt or your lack of faith that God is with you?

It is about time to renew your thinking, your attitudes, your faith, your relationships with those around you and to change your world by developing positive and productive mind to keep walking into the dreams and aspirations in order to live your life to the fullest in order to to fulfill your true destiny regardless of what is happening around you. For us, to become relevant and significant in society, we have to keep walking and moving towards our dreams no matter how severe or challenging life becomes.


Under no circumstances should we become stagnated or slacked in our pursuit of our dreams just because of the pressures or options of men about us. Sometimes, focusing your minds too much on what others say about you can limit your ability to think progressively to take positive steps to achieve our dreams.

We should never allow our past successes or achievements to limit us from walking. Greater success only comes to those who don’t become lazy and rely on their past glories but to those who keep walking. The deeper we dive into the pool of success, the greater we become in the area of our callings and purposes in life.

Successful and great people do not become relaxed in their achievements; rather, they develop the desire to achieve more and greater success. This is the reason why you don’t have to stop walking, but keep moving into success no matter what happens to you. What you are not ready to fight for, you cannot attain it.

Take positive steps to fight any limitation or challenges trying to limit or prevent you from stepping into your desired success and destiny. The character and attitude we develop during our challenging moments will determine how we deal with it and overcome the challenges to become successful in life.

Our happiness in life depends on our abilities to keep walking into what we love.  Happiness is not an air we breathe rather, like a fruit tree we plant, watered, and cultivated in order to bear the fruits we want to see and experience.  It is not something we expect to fall on our laps. It is our daily efforts to walk the talk and talk the walk.

Many of us are not happy in life just because we have developed some wrong attitudes about how we become happy. We sit down in our lazy chairs and expect others to drop the fruits of happiness on our lap if not in our mouths. We can’t be happy this way. We can’t ever be happy if you’re not walking to live our dreams. No matter how small or big our dreams or goals are, when we fail to take positive steps to cultivate them, we won’t be able to achieve them.

Anything that does not move is regarded dead. Therefore, you must keep your mind on your goals and move towards them. If the beautiful sun does not remain stagnant but moves to give its rays to every part of the world, then why do you remain in stagnation in life? Have you discovered that everything created by God is designed to make progress? You are not created to remain stagnant in life so change your mind about life and take steps to see your dreams come through.

Progressive people are celebrated and adored. People will disappoint and fail us but we should not fail ourselves by becoming stagnant in our mind. No matter how much you have been hurt, disrespected and rejected by loved ones or friends, it is about time to rise above them and move forward. Yes, they have made you cried and failed. They have disappointed you and prevented you from achieving your dream in the past. Now, you are wiser and clever to make decision for yourself.

Stop blaming others for your failure in life and learn to renew your mind about your life, people and your surrounding so as to develop the boldness, courage and focus to achieve your dream.

Step up and keep up; you are destined to succeed, become great and relevant to your world. No matter what happens to you, don’t stop walking, but keep moving into success.



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