Don’t Wait , Work


“You cannot be sleeping and waiting on God to get out of your unemployment situation. Nothing in life happens by chance. Everything God created acts on the principle of seed sowing and harvesting”, Ferdinard Senyo Lawson.

There comes a time as a Christian when waiting and hoping is not just enough. The blessing and success you want would not come to you until you take steps to make them happen.

You see; the children of Israel were promised the land before they were born but they had to act on the word and the promises of God to attain that promise. They had to go through the red sea in order to enter the promise land. At the very point that they thought they have overcome the red sea; they were faced with the wall of Jericho.

When they got to the wall, they did not sit down to wait on God after He had commanded them. They again acted on the word of God to go round the wall of Jericho for 6 days and on the 7th day, they shouted and sang songs before the wall came down flat.

Now!!! Most of us Christians have been made to believe in instant miracles, prosperity and what have you. The principles of God do not change. Our ability to trust and believe God for miracles do not stop us from acting in faith to see that very thing we needed. You cannot believe God for the seed of the womb and do not want to have sex with your partner. You cannot be expecting to be prosperous or successful in life without working with your hands or studying to gain the grade you wanted.


You cannot be sleeping and waiting on God to get out of your unemployment situation. Nothing in life happens by chance. Everything God created acts on the principle of seed sowing and harvesting. You cannot expect to harvest any crop when you have failed to sow a seed into the soil. So the word of God says ” He who does not work must not eat”, yet many of us have become so lazy with ourselves to the point where now we cannot even achieve anything significant in life to bring glory to God.

We have now turned everything into instant this, instant that, and instant success without being diligent with our time and purpose. God himself, had to work for 6 days to see what he wanted to see and rested one day from all his work yet, most believers think they can just be waiting and wasting time to be successful and rich without work. We have now become too lazy to work with our hands, yet we want to experience instant success and financial wealth.

At a certain time in Jesus Christ’s life, He had to remind His family members of His reason and purpose of coming into this world. He once told them that, “I must do the work of Him that sent me; for a night cometh that no man can work”. Jesus Christ knew that, for Him to win souls, He has to do the work and not pray for the work only.

My fellow believers, it is crucial we set or have priority for the word of God and for ourselves. We need to read and act on the word. We must not sit down and hope that, the changes we want for ourselves are in waiting and just wasting precious time and gifts.

I want to challenge us to step up and make something happen to us with the word of God. Faith without action is dead. At the moment, we all need to get involve in moving with the Word to achieve and attain what God has promised us. No one reaches a promised land by waiting and wasting time but in taking steps by faith to spy and recover the land. May you recover all your heart desire as you step out in faith and not wasting and waiting in vain. God will help you!

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Ferdinard Lawson graduated from Sussex University and holds a BSc Degree in Public Health and Social Care. He is the Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C (FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is a Multiple Awards Winning Author, Public Speaker and a Lifestyle Coach. He has published many inspirational, motivational books, and leadership books and full member of the Royal society for Public Health. England. He is currently the Co-Chairman of Mega (Kingston Hospital Trust)


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