Dr. Yaw Osei Owusu Weds Diana A. Tandoh


The newly wedded couple, Dr. Yaw Osei Owusu and Diana Animah Tandoh seemed to have been singing the song: “You are, the love of my life” as they jubilantly held hands to run ahead of their bridal team in marriage leaving the singles behind them.

The wedding which was the first to be organized in the year 2016 in the Church of Pentecost, Tema Comm. 9 was held on 2nd January.

Dr. Yaw Osei Owusu is a Physician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra while his beautiful wife, Diana Animah Tandoh is also a nurse at Pentecost Hospital in Madina, Accra.

When asked how they met each other, the happily married couple said they met each other in the medical school. The wedding, which was organized at a time the harmattan season in Ghana was usually cold was timely as the couple would not face the challenge of living in the cold season alone as singles.

The ceremony was attended by hundreds of friends and love ones.



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