God Rewards The Faithful But Not The Fearful – Ferdinard Senyo Lawson.


I know sometimes my post tread on some people’s toe, sending sensational feelings into their hearts to make changes where necessary. Cogently, I am human being too just like anyone else. Nonetheless, what I want you to understand is that, your assignment on earth isn’t same as mine. We are all here for a purpose; however our purposes may be parallel in nature. In the end, God has his own ways to save a soul.

5 months ago, I had a revelation about being a watchman over the household of faith. I heard this word so strongly and it got me up to search for the word “WATCHMAN” in the word of God.

In fact, when I got up to read my Bible from my iPad, which was just resting beside me at 4am, I incidentally scrolled down to Ezekiel 3:17 which says “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me”. Not that it made me fearful; rather I felt assured and hopeful for the mandate handed over to me. Since then, my posts and messages started changing from just motivational stuff which I am known for, to a kind of warning to the people of God especially the leadership of churches.

Sometimes, the feelings and expressions I get from different people on this platform are enormous, encouraging, and at times very much of an attack on me as to why I write on leadership.

Just yesterday morning, I had an inbox from a Christian sister who sent a message on a dream she had about me. For short, her dream was that, I was standing in a congregation preaching about the truth and the kingdom of God. In the dream, according to her, I was not my usual self but full of the glory of God.


I was driving when I received the message in my inbox so I asked my wife to read it to me. Abruptly, I stopped the car and read it myself just to make sure I really understood the dream. In life, when you stand to be different, you will get attack from strange people even the people you expect to understand and encourage you. They will expose you to public bantering. Some will even want to prove a point as to why your posts are not right at a particular time.

Well, as a watchman, I can’t afford to please everyone, not even myself, but the master who has called and chosen me to be a watchman is the only one I will please. I did not call myself at 4am to be a watchman. Henceforth, I cannot post or write my own messages or sound my own warning. Left to me alone, I will not be posting on social media but, I thank God for the grace, energy, wisdom and dedication to remain consistent with what I do. I get sick anytime I don’t share or post something on Facebook.

I have come to discover that when you stand to obey and please God, you end up losing so-called friends. But that to me is better. I cannot lose God and win friends. God’s is the best friend who has never disappointed me. Just as Jonah tried to avoid preaching the word of God and to sound warning to the people he alone was sent to preach, he got into trouble with God. These days, it has become fashionable and normal within the body of Christ to compromise the truth just to make people happy. I am very sorry. That is not my purpose here. I have a mandate and a charge to accomplish. My rewards in heaven will not be determined by people but God. Therefore, I will remain steadfast and focused just as I have been doing.

I will continue to post what God put into my spirit. People can choose to please men but just as Joshua said, choose ye this day whom ye shall please. As for me and my house, we will please the Lord. I stand to be different. Please note this: God rewards the Faithful not the Fearful. Thank you all. The choice is ours to make as individuals to please God or men.

Silah. Those who have an eye let them read.



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