Why You Are Not Your Own Boss When You Start Your Own Business


Do You Know Why You Are Not Your Own Boss When You Start Your Own Business?

I have heard it said by many people that one of the reasons the subject of entrepreneurship fascinates them is the idea of not taking instructions from anyone else but themselves. Many times, these are people who are yet to start a business to know what it actually takes to run a successful business.

You read the 10 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur in case you are now dreaming of being your own boss.

Starting and running your own business may mean you will become the CEO from day one; but that doesn’t take away the fact that there are other key stakeholders who are responsible for the successful outcome of your business. Your customers, board of directors, and even colleagues could give you “instructions” on how to better run and manage your business. If you are running a business because you want to avoid instructions from a “superior”, you might as well think again.

Have you come into contact with a client who could speak to you like you are a kid for the little error or delay in delivering on a contract?


Have you had so much turmoil in your business that you need someone who is gone ahead of you to give you strict instructions on how to go about things to bring your business back on track? Like Sam Walton said, “The customer is the boss.”

You can start the best business but if they decide to take their money elsewhere, what you have is not a business. Before the end of last year, we called our customers to ascertain how best we served them and what they think we can do to serve them even better. And we got feedback of what they thought we could do better. Were those instructions? Of course! Have we implemented them? Yes, the majority. Has it improved on our service delivery? I am sure it has. Who gave the instruction? Was it the boss? No, it wasn’t. Who did? The customer!

If you look to running your own business, be ready to listen. Be willing to take instructions. If you are not ready to do any of these, then you are sure on your way to losing out big time.

May be now you can answer the question: Do You Know Why You Are Not Your Own Boss When You Start Your Own Business?

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  1. This is an eye opener for all starters. Thanks for sharing.
    I have learnt some lessons to assist me in my next project.


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