QUOTE: Your Condition Is Not The Conlusion


Today, Our Quote For The Day Says: Your current condition is not the conclusion of your life. God is still working to surprise you. 

The fact that you are going through hard times does not mean that, that is the permanent situation you will always find yourself. Your condition is not the conclusion of your life.

The fact that today you are down does not mean that you will not be up and doing again. Very soon, you shall be lifted up and highly exhalted to glorify God. The fact that you are sick and bedridden does not mean that you shall forever be confined to the sickbed. I see healing coming your way in Jesus’ Name. Yes, your condition is not the conclusion of your life.

The fact that you lose your job and staying in the house does not mean that you shall forever remain jobless and always struggling for money to pay bills and fend for yourself. In fact, i see great opportunities coming your way. God is about making someone one of the best CEO’s the world has ever witnessed. God is still working something for your good. Your condition is not the conlusion of your life.

You have seen many relationships and marriages hitting the rock and ending painfully as if the couples married the devils children but i tell you that do not be afraid to get married. Your condition is not the conclusion of your life. Today you are single, but tomorrow comes where you shall be a happily married couple.


Many are the challenges that man goes through but the Lord knows and still keeps His original intents and purposes for your life.

If you do not know what God is doing for you, you will think your silent years are wasted years. With God, there is nothing like a waste. God does not waste anything. What you consider a waste is a waiting time before God.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say this to yourself that your condition is not the conclusion of your life.

Yes, i repeat, your condition is not the conlusion of your life. It is not the situation that matters but the conclusion justifies everything. Your condition is not the conclusion of your life in Jesus’ Name.



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